Starling Learning Services
We offer a wide range of services at Starling Learning. These include:
Ecological Consultancy
A wide range of surveys including ornithology, bats and other protected species, Phase 1 habitat surveys and National Vegetation Classification. Projects have included development schemes such as many windfarms, road developments and golf courses. We have also worked on many conservation projects including the Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands Special Protection Area for Scottish Natural Heritage and an update of the North Ayrshire Wildlife Sites for the Scottish Wildlife Trust, SNH and RSPB.
Mitigation designed to reduce negative impacts on the species and the environment.
Ecological Clerk of Works
We have experienced Ecological Clerks of Work who can be present at construction to monitor species and the environment, monitor water and advise construction staff.
Monitoring and maintenance team
Our work has included being present at windfarms and other sites once construction is complete to carry out work such as monitoring protected species, watercourses, check dams and attenuation ponds and also to fix and any measures requiring repair.