Ecological Survey
Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
This involves an evaluation of the potential effects of actions on species and habitats through habitat surveys and surveys of species protected by national and European legislation or considered to be of particular nature conservation importance.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Is a formal process undertaken for certain development projects depending on scale, sensitivity of site, and nature of proposal. An EIA covers a range of environmental issues such as landscape, transport, water quality, and noise, we can provide the necessary information on habitats and protected species.
Habitat surveys
We carry out a variety of methodologies including the Phase 1 and National Vegetation Classification (NVC). We also carry out hedgerow surveys, river habitat surveys, aquatic macrophyte surveys, lower plant surveys and invasive plant surveys.
Protected species surveys
These are often required for planning applications due to their protection in the UK or Europe. We have wide experience of surveys for European Protected Species (EPS) protected by the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, for bats, Great Crested Newt, and Otter.
We also carry out surveys for other species protected by UK law or with UK BAP Priority status including Badgers, Water Voles, Red Squirrels, reptiles, aquatic invertebrates, moths, butterflies and other terrestrial invertebrates.
Bird Surveys
These include Common Bird Census, moorland bird surveys, vantage point watches for windfarms, Black Grouse survey, raptor surveys and nest checks.
Ecological Clerk of Works
We have experienced Ecological Clerks of Work who can be present at construction to monitor species and the environment, monitor water and advise construction staff. Current ECoW work includes Millour hill, Sneddon Law & Aikengall II windfarms and the Bishopton Royal Ordnance Factory.
Mitigation is designed to limit any negative effects of development during and after construction.
Our mitigation services include building artificial homes such as artificial Badger setts, compensatory planting, and nestboxes.
Habitat creation
Habitat creation is used to enhance a site, providing new habitats for plant, insect and animal species.
We have considerable expertise in establishing woodland, wildflower meadows and ponds.